A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | X | Y | Z
First Name Last Name Sort descending Job Title Department Site Office Location Staff Email Address Phone
Brian Heaven Adjunct Faculty Mathematics Puyallup PUY/ADM102 BHeaven@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8624 Full Profile
Caitlin Heavner STAT Member STAT CTR 272 CHeavner@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8572 Full Profile
Amber Hedrick Mentor Teacher Early Childhood Education CAS 520 AHedrick@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
John Helmer Reference and Instruction Librarian Library Puyallup PUY/LSC212 JHelmer@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3122 Full Profile
Karen Hemming Part Time Faculty Arts & Humanities KHemming@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Martin Henderson Program Manager A Library Puyallup PY/CC272B MHenderson@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3160 Full Profile
Lani Hendrick Professional Writing Tutor Writing Center CAS 403 LHendrick@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Andrew Hendrickson Adjunct Faculty Mathematics/ Natural Science AHendrickson@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Paula Henson-Williams ctcLink Project Director/District Affirmative Action Officer Chancellor's Office Puyallup PUY/P9 PHenson@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3229 Full Profile
Ann Herring Para Educator Instructor Community & Continued ED – FS AHerring@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
David Heskett Graphic Designer Senior Marketing and Communications Puyallup PUY/Portable - 7 DHeskett@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 3231 Full Profile
Megan Hess Chemistry Professor Natural Science Division Fort Steilacoom FS/R218 MHess@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6674 Full Profile
Frederick Hetter Adjunct Faculty Business and Social Science Division Puyallup PUY/ADM102 FHetter@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8915 Full Profile
Gabrielle Hickok Education Coordinator President's office GHickok@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Chiu Yui Hie Makerspace Facilitator Library Services OLY 301 CHie@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 6072 Full Profile
James Hildibrand Mentor Teacher Early Childhood Education OLY 162 JHildibrand@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Michael Hill Adjunct Faculty Arts Fort Steilacoom FS/CAS365 MHill@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5685 Full Profile
David Hilton Fiscal Analyst 2 Budget and Accounting Fort Steilacoom FS/CAS381B DHilton@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6237 Full Profile
Hieu Hoang Peer Tutor - Intern Math Center RAI 338 HHoang@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Stephanie Hoang Peer Tutor Tutoring Center CAS 504 SHoang@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Jacob Hoffer Consolidates Services Program Coordinator Administrative Services Fort Steilacoom FS/CAS253 JHoffer@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6275 Full Profile
Chase Hoffman STAT Member STAT Puyallup PY/CC272 CDHoffman@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8609 Full Profile
Alexis Hoffman-Perron Lab Tech EMS/ Health and Technology SNR AHoffman-Perron@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Lisa Hoffman-Reyes Adjunct Assistant Professor Arts and Humanities Puyallup PUY/ADM102B LHoffmanReyes@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8777 Full Profile
Samantha Hoffmann Multimedia Facilitator Library Services OLY 301 SHoffmann@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Haley Holt Financial Aid Program Specialist 2 Financial Aid A 119 HHolt@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3328 Full Profile
John Hopkins Adjunct Philosophy JHopkins@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5715 Full Profile
Jeffrey Hopper Custodial 1 Facilities and Operations Puyallup PUY/A130 JHopper@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5135 Full Profile
Janine Hornung P/T MCC Faculty Instructor Military Program McChord MCC/327 JHornung@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5462 Full Profile
Melissa Houser Adjunct Faculty Math Fort Steilacoom FS/RAI349 MHouser@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5204 Full Profile
Jonathan Howard Instruction & Classroom Support Tech 2 Nursing Department Puyallup PY/AAH 241 JHoward@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3218 Full Profile
Vicki Howell-Williams Faculty Counselor/Advisor Student Success Division Puyallup PUY/A102B VWilliams@pierce.ctc.edu 253-840-8395 Full Profile
Luke Howells Assistant Coach - Women's Soccer District Athletics Puyallup PUY/HEP105 LHowells@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8733 Full Profile
Yu-Ting Huang Private Music Instructor Music/Arts&Humanities YHuang@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Priscilla Hug STAT Member STAT CTR 272 PHug@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8554 Full Profile
Sharon Huitsing Associate Professor Natural Science Division - CIS Puyallup PUY/CTR190B SHuitsing@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 8908 Full Profile
Karen Hunt Administrative Assistant Natural Science & Applied Technology & Allied Health Puyallup PUY/ADM163 KLHunt@pierce.ctc.edu 253-840-8333 Full Profile
Kyle Hunter Volunteer/Intern Workforce CAS KHunter@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5264 Full Profile
Brandi Hunter Volunteer Homeland Security International House IH100 BHunter@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Lisa Hurtado Professor and Department Chair, Fort Steilacoom English and Humanities Puyallup PUY/CTR190C LHurtado@pierce.ctc.edu 253-864-3329 Full Profile
Salvador Hurtado Veterinary Technology Program Director Applied Tech and Allied Health Division Fort Steilacoom FS/GLA106 SHurtado@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6665 Full Profile
James Hutcheon Adjunct Faculty JBLM JHutcheon@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Jordan Hynd Evaluator EMT SUN 118 JHynd@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Katie Iadanza Physics and Planetarium Technician Physics and Science Dome Fort Steilacoom FS/RAI466 KIadanza@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6569 Full Profile
Iopu Ignacio Student Empowerment Programs Engagement Manager EDI CARES Fort Steilacoom FS/CAS423 IIgnacio@pierce.ctc.edu 253-964-6407 Full Profile
Jawon Im STAT Member Library Services Fort Steilacoom FS/OLY301 JIm@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-2399 ext 5118 Full Profile
Nanette Im Adjunct Faculty Mathematics/ Natural Science NIm@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Nathan Iniguez HEC Staff Athletics HEC NIniguez@pierce.ctc.edu Full Profile
Megan Irby Faculty Counselor Student Success Fort Steilacoom FS/CAS301E mirby@pierce.ctc.edu 253-912-3602 Full Profile
Natalya Jackson Assistant Professor of Mathematics Mathematics/Natural Science Puyallup PUY/CTRC290B NJackson2@pierce.ctc.edu 253-840-8319 Full Profile