Express yourself and choose from a broad range of creative careers with the Arts, Humanities, and Communication career pathway. Careers include social media, acting, teaching, graphic design, communications, journalism and art. Develop cultural awareness and critical thinking skills that will serve you through a lifetime of career mobility.
Programs in This Pathway
Explore your creativity through a wide range of studio and lecture courses for art majors and those interested in pursuing the visual arts for personal expression. Classes include design, drawing, digital design, painting, photography and more. Art majors can transfer to a four-year college to complete their degree.
Prepare for an exciting career in a variety of media and communications fields. This program provides a solid foundation in communications theory and practice that enables you to transfer to a four-year college to complete your degree.
The New Media and Digital Design program explores design thinking strategies and emerging technologies, such as creative computing, interaction design, UX (user experience) design and visual communication. After completing this two-year program, you will have competences to take on emerging professions in a variety of dynamic creative industries with the ability to express your creative process and personal brand voice.
Gain a strong foundation in the liberal arts through the study of literary genres, history and cultural issues, while developing your communications, language and critical thinking skills. This two-year program prepares you for transfer to a four-year college.
Explore your love of music through this rich program of coursework in performance, practice, theory and appreciation.
Pursue philosophy as an active inquiry into the meaning of human existence, the nature of reality, human knowledge and ethics. This program is for philosophy majors who wish to transfer to a four-year college or those interested in philosophical questions and methods for determining their own answers.
Discover a wide range of theatre and film arts, including acting and backstage technical work, as you gain valuable life skills, such as meeting deadlines, working in teams and performing under pressure. Theatre majors can transfer to a four-year college to complete their degree.
Learn to speak, read and write in another language and explore the related cultures. Choose from Spanish or American Sign Language. Language majors can transfer to a four-year college to complete their degree.