Pierce College Foundation Grants and Scholarships

Scholarship FAQs

To apply for a Foundation scholarship, visit our scholarship website.

Apply Now

Upcoming priority deadlines:

  • Winter Term 2025 applications will be accepted from November 22, 2024, to close on January 10, 2025.
  • The scholarship application is available to currently registered students. When you register for the next term, you will then have access to the scholarship web page.
  • The application asks for three short essays and a letter of recommendation. All essays must be written in English. The person writing your letter of recommendation must upload the letter by the end of the day on the application closing date.

NOTE NEW CHANGE: If you’ve already received a Foundation scholarship, please re-apply next term as not all scholarships are distributed for three terms and you may be eligible for additional scholarships. Contact the Foundation with any questions at foundation@pierce.ctc.edu.

The Pierce College Foundation awards grants and scholarships every year to currently enrolled Pierce College students. Among the available funds provided by the Foundation are specific funding opportunities for:

  • Veterans and military dependents/students
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Nursing (STEMN) students
  • Nursing students
  • The Biella Foundation has awarded each of the 34 community and technical colleges in Washington State $11,000 in funds to be used for the 2023–2024 academic year

Applying for a Scholarship

Scholarships are reviewed by a diverse committee of volunteers who represent donors, board members, staff, faculty, and community members. Each scholarship application is reviewed by two or more reviewers. In the review process, the applicants are reviewed anonymously that means the reviewer does not see the name or contact information for the applicant. Scholarships are scored on the following criteria:

  • Financial Need – the applicant clearly explains their financial need.
  • Personal Statement / Short Answer – clear, concise answers with care given to grammar and spelling.
  • Educational Goals – the applicant provides a thorough explanation of their educational goals at Pierce College and beyond.
  • Accomplishments, Achievement, and Engagement – the applicant provides information about these qualifications including any accomplishments, achievements, engagement outside of Pierce College.
  • Letter of Recommendation – the letter of recommendation is written by a professional source.
  • Reviewer’s overall impression of the applicant.
  • More questions? Check out the Foundation student scholarship Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS).

Depending on the number of applications received, the review process may take up to 3-4 weeks. All students will be notified via email of the decision regarding their application. Scholarships are awarded up to four times a year in fall, winter, spring, and summer. Continue to check this website for updates on the deadlines for future scholarship applications. In the meantime, here are steps you can take to prepare your application materials:

  1. Identify a reference to write a letter of recommendation. This person should be a teacher, instructor, supervisor, or someone who knows you in a professional capacity. The application form will ask you to provide your reference's email address. Your reference will then receive an automated email notifying them that you (the applicant) have identified them as their reference for a scholarship application. Your reference will be able to submit their letter through the scholarship application link. 
  2. Organize your thoughts on why you should receive funds from the Foundation. The application process will require you to either write an essay or answer a series of short answer questions. This is your chance to explain and answer the following:
    1. What are your educational goals at Pierce College? Where do you see yourself after Pierce College?
    2. How will a scholarship/grant impact your educational goals at Pierce College?
    3. What makes you an excellent candidate for a Foundation scholarship/grant?
    4. Know where and how to get unofficial copies of your transcripts, these are an application requirement.
    5. Verify your financial aid eligibility with the Financial Aid Office. All students are eligible to receive Foundation scholarships. All scholarships will be distributed within a student’s financial aid budget. For questions, email financialaid@pierce.ctc.edu.

Community Scholarships Available

The following are scholarships available to students from community organizations outside of the Pierce College Foundation.

Washington State Fair Foundation Scholarships

The Washington State Fair Foundation is pleased to present scholarship opportunities to local students for continuing education. The following are scholarships for which you may be eligible.

Students only need to submit one application for all our scholarships offered online. The application system will automatically submit applications for any scholarships for which you are qualified.

Endowing a Scholarship

Visit the giving page to make a gift or pledge today, or contact the Pierce College Foundation for more information on endowing a scholarship.

Visit the scholarship page for more information.