Theatre graduates make valuable employees in any field. Meeting deadlines, working closely with associates, developing and implementing projects, performing under pressure and developing creative problem solving strategies are work skills that theatre students use daily.
Digital media and digital video offer Pierce College Theatre students a unique opportunity for enriched artistic theatrical expression and job placement. From script writing to artistic direction, from acting to technical production, Pierce students prepare for tomorrow's jobs.
Potential Job and Salary Information
The Pierce College Theatre curriculum is designed to give majors a thorough exposure to all aspects of the theatre arts. Each student works closely with the faculty to plan course work that will transfer to a four-year college. Students enroll in a broadly based curriculum that includes composition, communication and quantitative course work. Transfer students from the theatre program usually do well in a university setting because of the broad general education they receive at Pierce College. Therefore, it is the philosophy of this department to offer a sequential program in which the student can emphasize backstage as well as on-stage courses. To complete both the acting sequence and the technical theatre sequence at Pierce College, the student will need to earn at least 105 credits.
Transfer Institution Information
Acting and Technical Theatre
Course Maps
Career Pathway Course Maps
About the Program
Students in the Pierce College Theatre program collaborate with other classes across the theatre curriculum. Students in the acting classes act in the digital videos produced by the digital film-making classes. Digital film production/technical theatre students serve as the production crews for these same films. Students in English write film scripts to be used for the digital films.
Film subject matter includes all campus and community life, from dental hygiene to oceanography, from Pierce College basketball to early childhood education. Films that focus on community needs and community awareness are particularly encouraged. Digital film production at Pierce College Theatre is an excellent opportunity to collaborate with fellow theatre/film students, other departments and programs, the campus community and the greater Pierce County area.
Read more about the Digital Film Program
Theatre Locations
The Pierce College Theatre is located in the main Cascade building on the Pierce College campus at Fort Steilacoom.
The Arts and Allied Health theatre is in Room 100 of AAH on the Pierce College Puyallup campus.
The black box theatre is in the Arts and Allied Health Building, Room 110, on the Pierce College Puyallup campus.