New Ideas and Enthusiastic Teachers Needed

Have an idea for a class? Let us know and we'll see if it is something that fits for Community and Continuing Education.
We publish our class schedule four (4) times during the academic year and proposals for new courses must be submitted and approved prior to the printing deadline for each quarter (about five months prior to the class start date).
Instructor positions are part-time without medical or dental benefits. Instructors are paid on an individual course contract and classes are held when it is determined there is sufficient enrollment to cover course expenses.
Before You Propose a Class
Is the class already being offered?
Please check our current class schedule before writing a proposal to avoid proposing classes that we already offer. You may want to contact us about course viability prior to submitting a proposal as we know our market and can help you focus your proposal.
Is your class idea being offered by other retail, commercial or colleges?
Community and Continuing Education avoids offering classes that may compete with offerings from other schools, retail stores, businesses or government agencies.
Are you currently teaching or considering teaching this course elsewhere in Pierce County?
Competing against yourself at a school or organization in the same service area can lead to low enrollments resulting in cancelled classes and disappointed students.

Is your class wide enough in scope or topic unique enough to appeal to the general population who enroll in Community and Continuing Education courses?
Some courses have limited audience appeal and do not work well in community education.
What would a community member expect to pay to attend your class?
Pricing a class is a complex process. Instructors need to be paid and College overhead expenses need to be covered. The price we charge for the class covers both your salary as well as an overhead charge for staff salaries, rent, equipment, etc.
Are you proposing a class to promote your own business or consulting services?
We do not sponsor workshops that are designed to sell or recommend products from your own business or promote your consulting services.
Submitting a New Course
- Review our current class schedule before writing a proposal to avoid proposing classes that we already offer. You may want to contact us about course viability prior to submitting a proposal as we know our market and can help you focus your proposal.
- Check proposal deadlines for each quarter (below). We accept proposals throughout the year; however, we do have scheduling and printing deadlines. If we do not use your proposal in any given quarter, we may keep it on file for possible inclusion in future quarters.
- Complete the online course proposal form.
We will contact you if your proposal is something we will consider for inclusion in the program.
Course Proposal Deadlines
We work approximately three to four months ahead to meet publication deadlines. Please submit your proposals as follows:
- Fall Quarter (Sep-Dec classes): June 1
- Winter Quarter (Jan-Mar classes): October 1
- Spring Quarter (Apr-early Jun classes): January 1
- Summer Quarter (Jun-Aug classes): March 1
Pierce College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and is strongly committed to enhancing the diversity of its workforce. All qualified applicants, including women, persons of color, Vietnam-era/disabled veterans, persons age 40 and over, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities who require assistance with the recruitment process should call 253-964-6579. A telecommunication device for the hearing impaired is available at 253-964-6228