instructor guiding students in front of computers in a classroom

Please be prepared to pay when you register. We cannot hold a spot for you in a class without payment. Register early, as many classes fill as soon as the bulletin hits the mailboxes.

Credit/Debit Cards

We accept VISA and MasterCards (debit or credit). To charge your registration to your VISA or MasterCard, please provide the full name on the credit card, card # and expiration date (include your signature if registering by mail).

Checks/Money Orders

Make checks and money orders payable to Pierce College for the exact amount. Please include your ctcLink ID and course item number on your check.


You may pay the course fee in cash in person at either Pierce College Puyallup or Pierce College Fort Steilacoom.

Corporate Vouchers/Purchase Orders

If your course fee/tuition is being paid by a company voucher or purchase order, call (253) 864-3330 to register. The original signed payment voucher or purchase order must be received no later than two (2) business days before the class begins.