These recommendations apply to both natural disasters and manmade emergencies.
Low Risk (Threat Level Green)
- Perform risk assessments of work sites.
- Develop strategies to mitigate known hazards.
- Develop or obtain written emergency management plans for each site.
- Develop personal and family disaster plans.
- Identify alternative routes to and from work sites.
Guarded Risk (Threat Level Blue)
- Complete recommendations from previous threat level.
- Be aware of suspicious activity and report it to the appropriate authorities.
- Review emergency management plans and call rosters.
- Inventory and maintain stored emergency response supplies.
Elevated Risk (Threat Level Yellow)
- Complete recommendations from previous threat levels.
- Maintain oversight of critical information and security systems.
- Conduct ongoing training of response personnel.
High Risk (Threat Level Orange)
- Complete recommendations from previous threat levels.
- Review personal and family disaster plans.
- Review emergency management plans and prepare response personnel.
Severe Risk (Threat Level Red)
- Complete recommendations from previous threat levels.
- Listen to radio or TV, or contact the Piece College District for current college related information, or check the FlashAlert Newswire.
- Adhere to travel advisories announced by local and state governmental authorities.
- Be prepared to remain indoors or evacuate if instructed to do so by college administration or local authorities.
- In the event of a specific threat to the Pierce College District, additional security and safety measures will be taken, depending on the nature of the threat. These precautions may include, but are not limited to restricting access to certain facilities, access roads, parking areas, or cancellation of public events.
- Emergency information will be broadcast to employees by phone "audix system", emails, and the District's Intranet homepage.