Incident Reporting

Pierce College encourages employees, students and visitors to immediately report any incidents on campus that may constitute a crime, student code of conduct violation, physical injury or an emergency -- including threats, harassment or family violence -- so they may be dealt with in a timely and consistent manner.

This site contains information about on and off campus resources, and is made available to all Pierce College community members. The information about these resources is not provided to suggest that those resources are crime reporting entities for Pierce College. Crimes should be reported to Pierce College Campus Safety to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the community, when appropriate. For example, a crime that was reported only to the Pierce County Rape Crisis Center would not be included in the Pierce College crime statistics.

To report in-progress crimes, fires or medical emergencies, please dial 911 from any college telephone, and then contact Campus Safety at:

Fort Steilacoom Campus Safety
Building: Cascade (CAS)
Room: C311
Office: 253-964-6751

Puyallup Campus Safety
Building: Gaspard (ADM)
Room:  A117
Office: 253-840-8481

Emergency Call Boxes are located throughout the college campuses and are connected directly to Campus Safety.

Fort Steilacoom Campus

Puyallup Campus

In addition, you may report a crime that is not in progress to the following persons:

Dean of Student Success - Fort Steilacoom Campus
253-964-6581 Cascade C374

Dean of Student Success - Puyallup Campus
253-840-8403 Gaspard 106G

Student Services Director – Fort Steilacoom Campus
253-964-6598 Cascade C422

Student Services Director – Puyallup Campus
253-840-8472 College Center C210C

District Director of Athletics
253-964-6612 FS/HEC 305

Pierce College Campus Safety sends a request each year to all campus security authorities which encourage them to inform the persons they are working with of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics, when they deem it appropriate.

The following forms are provided to report crimes, incidents or accidents. They are available for printing online, or can be picked up at the Campus Safety office. Please fill them out as completely and accurately as possible, and turn them back in to Campus Safety or send them to

Daily Crime Logs

The daily crime/incident report logs for the most recent 60-day period are open to public inspection during normal business hours at the Campus Safety Offices located on each college campus. Portions of the log older than 60 days will be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

Criminal Activity Off Campus

If either the Lakewood Police Department or the Puyallup Police Department is contacted about criminal activity occurring off-campus involving Pierce College students, they may notify Campus Safety. However, there is no official policy requiring such notification.

Confidential Reporting Procedures

If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the college system or the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider making a confidential report. With your permission, a Pierce College Campus Safety Officer can file a report on the details of the incident without revealing your identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with your wish to keep the matter confidential.