papers and glassed on table and paperwork says new hire information

2024 Employment and Education Fairs

This annual job fair event features local employers and campus departments who are ready to meet Pierce College students, alumni and community members!

These events are open to the public and are a great opportunity to explore career pathway, employment, or internship options. We encourage you to dress professionally, bring copies of your resume, and be prepared to discuss your education, experience and career goals. You will also have the opportunity to have your resume professionally reviewed by WorkSource staff. Students can connect with Job & Career Connections prior to the event for help creating or updating their resume or for questions about navigating a job fair.

Campus Recruiting

Employer of the Day enables employers to be on campus in an informal setting to speak with students about employment and internship opportunities related to our career pathways. Employers interested in recruiting on campus should speak with Job & Career Connections staff to discuss availability, employer needs, and approval.

Pierce College District employment fairs and recruiting events are an excellent opportunity for our area employers to connect with qualified, potential employees. Our events are well advertised and open to students, alumni and the general public.

As a registered exhibitor you:

  • Will have guaranteed table and chairs in a high traffic area.
  • Will have access to space for interviews or pre-interviews.
  • Will be able to collect resumes and hand out information.