Tuition Installment Plan (TIP)
What is TIP or FIP?
The tuition installment plan (TIP) and the fee installment plan (FIP military site payment plan) are programs that allow you to pay for your education on interest-free installment plans that make budgeting the costs of your education easier. Payments are made in three installments. (Payments are adjusted depending on the time the plan is started.) There is a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $25.
What does it cover?
The tuition installment plan or the fee installment plan covers your tuition and class fees for every quarter you enroll in the plan. It does not cover books or fines.
How do I enroll in the plan?
As soon as you register for the quarter:
- Self-Service: Self-Service Payment Plans are now active through your ctcLink account. If you choose to enroll in the payment plan, your first payment and $25 fee is due at time of enrollment into the plan.
- Complete a tuition installment plan at the Cashier's Office (Fort Steilacoom campus or the Puyallup campus) and/or a fee installment plan at JBLM, or download the Tuition Installment Plan Form from the Forms page.
- For your TIP or FIP plan to be valid, Cashiering needs to receive your first installment and a signed payment contract.
- Pay the nonrefundable enrollment fee and the first installment of your quarterly tuition and fees using your personal check, cash or credit card (VISA or MasterCard).
- Last day to enroll in TIP is the final day of 100% refund for the quarter in which you are enrolling. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates.
When is tuition due in full?
Winter Term 2025
- Session 1 courses: December 19, 2024
- Session 2 courses: January 8, 2025
Spring Term 2025
- Session 1 courses: March 24, 2025
- Session 2 courses: April 7, 2025
What if I wait to set up my tuition installment plan until the due date?
If you wait to set up your tuition installment plan until the due date, you will only be able to get a two-payment plan. This is because the second payment date is five days after full tuition is due.
When are payments due for the tuition installment plan?
Three installments are due according to this schedule.
If you want to make three payments, please set up your payment plan before tuition is due.
Note: If a payment date falls on a holiday or weekend, the payment is due the next business day.
1st Installment | 2nd Installment | 3rd Installment | |
Fall Term | 1/3rd of tuition due at the time of registration |
1/3rd of tuition due September 30 |
1/3rd of tuition due October 31 |
Winter Term | 1/3rd of tuition due at the time of registration |
1/3rd of tuition due December 31 |
1/3rd of tuition due January 31 |
Spring Term | 1/3rd of tuition due at the time of registration |
1/3rd of tuition due March 31 |
1/3rd of tuition due April 30 |
Summer Term | 1/3 of tuition due at the time of registration |
1/3 of tuition due June 30 |
1/3rd of tuition due July 31 |
What if I am late with a payment?
If you are late or miss a payment, a $30 late payment fee will be added to the outstanding balance.
We do not drop students for missing a payment or for being late on a payment.
Where do I make my payments?
Make your payments one of four easy ways using your personal check, cash, or credit card (VISA or MasterCard only).
Tuition Installment payment may be made using one of the following methods:
- Online by using the Pierce College Simple Pay system
- Download the Tuition Installment Plan Form from the Forms page and submit a completed form
- In person at the Cashier's Office at all locations (Fort Steilacoom, Puyallup, McChord and Fort Lewis)
By mail (include your ctcLink ID)
Pierce College
9401 Farwest Drive S.W.
Lakewood, WA 98498 - By payment box located by the Cashier's Office in the Welcome Center Cascade Building Fort Steilacoom or in the Cashier's Office in the Gaspard Building Puyallup campus
What if I add or drop classes?
Changes in your schedule may have an impact on the amount of tuition and fees that you owe. You must notify the Cashier's Office of any changes to your class schedule.
- In person at the Cashier's Office (Fort Steilacoom Cascade Building or Puyallup Gaspard Building)
- Phone: 253-964-6700
- Email: cashiering@pierce.ctc.edu
Refunds will be made according to Pierce College's refund policy. Please refer to the academic calendar for refund dates.
What if I have questions that are not answered here?
If you have additional questions, please contact the Cashier's Office:
- In person at the Cashier's Office (Fort Steilacoom Cascade Building or Puyallup Gaspard Building)
- Phone: 253-964-6700
- Email: cashiering@pierce.ctc.edu