Running Start students are required to pay mandatory college and/or student assessed fees as established by Pierce College. See Pierce College fee information.
Pierce College must waive mandatory college and/or student assessed fees for eligible low-income Running Start students. Eligible low-income Running Start students are still required to pay course fees, tuition and fees for courses below 100 level and textbooks. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Student's family receives public assistance (TANF, QUEST, ProviderOne, WA Apple Health).
- Student is eligible to receive free or reduced lunch at their school district.
- Student is a foster youth.
The Running Start office also provides assistance to eligible low-income Running Start students with textbooks through the Book Loan Program. The program is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students are required to return loaned textbooks at the end of the quarter.
Download the Student Fee Waiver application from the Running Start Forms page.
Cost Details
- Admissions application: There is no application fee. Students may apply online and select the Running Start application.
- Puyallup and Fort Steilacoom Learning Management System Fee: $3.50 per credit with no maximum
- Student Technology Fee: $4 per credit up to a maximum of 12 credits ($48 maximum)
- Student Matriculation Fee: $2.50 per credit up to a maximum of 12 credits ($30 maximum)
- Student Transportation and Security Fee: $3.50 per credit up to a maximum of 12 credits ($42 maximum)
- Student Facilities Fee: $3.50 per credit up to a maximum of 12 credits ($42 maximum)
- Additional fees are required for some classes. See class listings.
- Textbooks