Degree and Diploma Application
Students are advised to apply for Pierce College graduation by submitting a Degree and Diploma Application from the Forms web page, at least two quarters prior to the quarter in which they intend to complete their requirements. This allows time to have the application processed and the results of the official evaluation emailed in time to register for remaining requirements. These forms need to be completed and turned in to the Admissions Office.
Students are responsible for meeting the requirements of the particular degree toward which they are working. Once a letter is received from the evaluations office, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the program requirements and make appropriate course selections. Students should report any discrepancies to the evaluations office immediately upon receipt of their letter. Once the letter is received, it is not necessary to submit another Degree and Diploma Application to the evaluations office unless a student stops attending for one year or more. If a student does not attend for more than one year or four quarters, their file is placed into “graduation pending” status and the student will need to reapply for graduation to have their graduation status reactivated.