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Earn your Bachelor of Applied Science in Teaching degree to gain dual qualification/licensure to teach pre-school-grade 3 (P-3) general education and special education.


BAS-T Careers

Our Bachelor of Applied Science in Teaching degree leads to teacher licensure with dual endorsements in both P-3 general education and P-3 special education. This enables graduates to teach children from birth through Grade 3. The degree was designed with the best practices in teacher preparation in mind and in collaboration with local school district partners.

Course Maps

The BAS-T program builds off the strong foundation of a professional/technical associate in applied science (AAS-T) degree in Early Childhood Education.

About the Program

Interest Form

Interested in talking to someone about our BAS-Teaching program? Complete the our Interest Form to be contacted by our staff with more information.

BAS-T Interest Form

Information Sessions

Learn more about the BAS-T program by watching our pre-recorded information session. If you would like an appointment to discuss the program or for pre-admission advising, please contact

Apply to the Program

See our How to Apply web page for prerequisite information and application steps.