The Children's Center
The Children's Center, located on the Fort Steilacoom campus, is a model laboratory school specially designed with an expansive outdoor and indoor learning environment that provides many opportunities for children to grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Unique laboratory observation facilities provide learning experiences for caregivers and Pierce College students. The Children’s Center’s programs are managed by the Fort Steilacoom Parent Education Cooperative, a non-profit organization affiliated with Pierce College’s Early Childhood Education department. The programs currently offered are the Nursery Lab School and the Toddler-Two Program.
Nursery Lab School
The Nursery Lab School program includes developmentally appropriate activities in curriculum areas such as large and small motor skill development, music, science, dramatic play, art, literature, and math. The program emphasizes the value of play and hands-on experiences as children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.
Children who are three years of age (toilet trained) through six years of age (prior to entering kindergarten).
Fall, winter and spring sessions (10 weeks each): 9–11 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Summer session (7 weeks): 9–11:30 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Fall, winter and spring sessions: $300 per child, per college quarter, or three payments of $100 each. A nonrefundable registration deposit of $100 is required upon notification of an opening and will apply towards the last month enrolled for that school year. Also, $14 tuition is required for a one credit pass/fail parent education course for the adult per quarter.
Summer session: $200 per child
Instructors and second year students from Pierce College’s AAS Early Childhood Education program plan and present the children's program in the laboratory school setting.
To Enroll
To request more information, fill out our information request form.
Toddler–Two Program
In the Toddler-Two program, children and caregivers come to class together for 10 weeks at a time (fall, winter and spring sessions only). The children participate in hands-on activities, including learning songs, playing games, and creating art. Caregivers take turns being a classroom helper and participating in discussion concerning the development and parenting of young children.
Children who are 18 through 36 months old.
9:30 - 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays
$75 per child and $28 tuition for a two credit pass/fail parent education course for the adult per quarter.
A parent education instructor and an early childhood specialist plan and facilitate the program. Caregivers take turns helping the early childhood specialist with the children each week while the parent education instructor leads the discussion.
To Enroll
To request more information, fill out our information request form.