Our children are our future, and to ensure their success and well-being, Pierce College recognizes the need for quality educational programs that have both short- and long-term positive effects on young children, their families and our communities.
We have established a comprehensive Early Childhood Education program which not only prepares students to work with young children but also offers children and their parents numerous opportunities for growth and development.
Washington Scholarships for Child Care Professionals
Washington Scholarships for Child Care Professionals is a program that helps early childhood professionals pay for a college education through community and technical colleges in early childhood education. They also help pay for Child Development Associates (C.D.A.) credential application fees.
For information about the program or to obtain a scholarship application, please call the toll-free number, 1 (866) 308-3224, or e-mail scholarships@wa.childcareaware.org. You can also visit the Childcare Aware website for more information.
Opportunity Grant
Students in the Early Childhood Education program at Pierce College are eligible to apply for Grants. Grant Scholarships help low-income students enrolled in approved career training programs pay for tuition and books. Awards are a based on financial need. For more information, see the Opportunity Grant scholarship page.
Early Achievers Grant
Do you love playing, teaching and working with children? Do you want to further your career in early childhood education? The Early Achievers Grant provides funding (tuition, books and student support services) to help you earn your degree in early childhood education.
Download an Early Achievers Grant Application
Pierce College affiliated preschools will not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, religion, sex or national origin. This policy includes, but is not limited to, racial, religious or sexual admissions, scholarship programs, athletic programs or extracurricular activities that are a part of the school's regular programs and similar activities. The school will not maintain separate classes, separate buildings or other separate facilities along racial, religious or sexual lines.