
Library resources and services are available online and in person! Find out our hours, how to contact librarians, download e-books and search the library catalog from your computer at the Library home page.

Student Technology Assistance Team (STAT)

The STAT team is available to help students with their technology needs! Visit our Computer Labs homepage to find out how to visit a computer lab or get support for student email, Canvas, and other college programs.


The P.A.S.S. Center offers peer tutoring, including drop-in sessions and one-on-one appointments. Visit the Tutoring homepage for hours, contact information and instructions for logging in to the P.A.S.S. Canvas space.

Writing Center

If you need help with a paper or writing assignment, the Writing Center offers appointments and drop-in hours. You can book an appointment or find out how to access drop-in assistance through Canvas on the Writing Center homepage.

Student Life

One of the best things about college is meeting new people and making new friends.  Check out Student Life to see how to get connected with student clubs and other great student engagement activities and events!