Social Service Behavioral Health Field Experience

Your Social Service Behavioral Health Field Experience course is where you will apply what you’ve learned in your SSBH classes to real-world experiences helping others. Students are responsible for finding and securing their own field site to fulfill 120 hours of field experience. You will find links below to research sites for yourself. It is best to choose a site where you will work with the type of population you want to serve (example: children, veterans, elderly, etc.). It is also required that you have signed Responsibility and Learning Plan agreements turned into your field experience class during the first week of class. These are critical pieces to document the legitimacy of field experience hours. If not submitted in a timely manner, you will lose points.

Before you look for a site, make sure that your resume is presentable and your interview skills are polished. You are not looking for a job, but field sites will likely treat a field experience candidate similar to a job candidate. In addition to emailing a resume, send a link to our SSBH Field Experience course overview to the prospective field site. It outlines what field sites are responsible for as well as student responsibilities. Possible locations for Field sites

If you are currently working in the field of social services, and want to use your job as your field site, you must compose three learning objectives that involve learning something new or beyond what you usually do at your place of employment.

Steps to Follow Before SSBH Field Experience Class

Other Forms Needed for Field Experience Class

More Information