The Editorial Board accepts submissions from September 1 through March 1 of each year through Submittable.
Please follow submission guidelines and submit your work by Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
For specific guidelines, see the genre options listed below.
Copyright Notice and Consent to Publish
When submitting through Submittable, please check the “Consent” box before submitting.
Prose (Fiction, Nonfiction)
All genres are welcome: fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir, academic essays of general interest (academic essays with a course-specific audience may not be appropriate for a wider readership; consider your audience).
- 3,500 words (approximately 10 typed, double-spaced pages) maximum
- Do NOT put your name on the manuscript (works are reviewed anonymously)
- Double-space and use a standard, 12 point font
- For digital submissions, use .doc, .docx, or .rtf files
All forms welcome: formal, blank verse, free verse, prose poetry, concrete poetry, etc.
- No set length, but submissions should total fewer than 10 pages worth of poetry
- Do NOT put your name on the manuscript (works are reviewed anonymously)
- Single-space and use a standard, 12 point font
- For digital submissions, use .doc, .docx, or .rtf files
Drama (Scripts/Screenplays)
Excerpts from longer scripts are welcome, but submissions should work as stand-alone pieces.
- 10 script pages maximum
- Do NOT put your name on the manuscript (works are reviewed anonymously)
- Double-space and use a standard, 12 point font
- For digital submissions, use .doc, .docx, or .rtf files
Graphic Narrative (Comics and Cartoons)
Excerpts from longer scripts are welcome, but submissions should work as stand-alone pieces.
- One page per complete comic (note that published pages will be 6 x 9 inches; consider this reduction in size when thinking about the number of panels in any one-page comic)
- Do NOT put your name on the manuscript (works are reviewed anonymously) — this includes your signature on the artwork
- For digital submissions, use .tiff or .png files, minimum of 500 x 500 pixels at 300 dpi
- Note: When submitting through Submittable, you may need to reduce your file size in order to attach your file. If your work is selected for publication, we will contact you for the larger file according to the criteria above.
2D and 3D Artwork
All media welcome: painting, drawing, illustration, graphic design, photography, sculpture, ceramics, etc.
- 2D and 3D artwork submissions must be scanned or photographed using .tiff or .png files, minimum of 500 x 500 pixels at 300 dpi
- Note: When submitting through Submittable, you may need to reduce your file size in order to attach your file. If your work is selected for publication, we will contact you for the larger file according to the criteria above.