America Reads / America Counts
In 1996, then-President Bill Clinton began the America Reads Challenge initiative with the aim of helping to ensure that more children are able to read independently by the end of third grade. Congress approved the use of federal work-study funds to support tutoring by college and university students in local schools. Even though the initial focus was to support students in grades K-3, the program has expanded to include older students and math as well.
“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.” – Margaret Fuller
How do Pierce College - America Reads Tutors help in the classroom?
Tutors provide one-to-one and/or small group mentoring for school aged children to increase language proficiency and improve mathematical skills. Tutors will have an onsite supervisor to help with scheduling, tracking hours and school familiarity. Tutors will be responsible for submitting their time card to the Work-Study Program Coordinator at Pierce College bi-monthly.
How can Pierce College students find work through the America Reads tutoring program?
All available America Reads tutoring positions are advertised through our Pierce College Job Connections site.
How can local schools sign-up to have Pierce College America Reads tutors in their school?
If you would be interested in participating in our America Reads program, please contact
Steps to Get Started
- Complete the America Reads Contract
- Create a job posting on Pierce College Job Connections site
- Notify Stephanie Webster when you have identified a student to hire!