illustration of planets and stars in the night sky

Science Dome Virtual Field Trip Conduct Expectations

Thank you for choosing a virtual field trip with Pierce College Science Dome. Our goal is to provide an educational, fun, and safe experience for everyone concerned. Listed below are the guidelines and code of conduct for viewers. Please go over these guidelines with your group before your virtual trip.  If you have any questions please call, 253-964-6440.

The default meeting platform for virtual field trips is Zoom.  We can also accommodate groups that use Teams, but you will need to reply to your confirmation event invitation with a Teams link so we can join you.

We ask that you follow the rules listed below to ensure that we all have the best possible experience.

  • The waiting room has been enabled for your virtual field trip. Please log into your Zoom meeting a few minutes prior to a scheduled program so that we have time to admit you before the start of the presentation.
  • Teachers will be made a co-host for their virtual field trip. Please help us out in moderating the meeting.
  • Please keep your mic muted during the presentation unless otherwise asked.
  • We love questions! We will not be utilizing Zoom’s “raise hand” feature, so if you have a question please type it in the chat.
  • Please do not:
    • spam the chat.
    • post any outside links in the chat.
    • annotate the screen.


After booking a virtual field trip to the Science Dome online, a passcode will be sent to the billing email address provided that will allow you to pay for your trip online on Ludus, our payment platform.  If you do not receive the email with the passcode within five business days, please contact us.  Your field trip must be paid for within two weeks of booking or by your visit, whichever is sooner.