This standard applies to all Pierce College personnel at each campus and site. It will be updated as needed. Our current logos are available to download in multiple file formats.

The official logo was designed to represent an abstract mountain form that would be unique and stand out from the many other mountain logos that are common in our part of the state. The design concept depicts the feeling that there is only one Pierce College, whereas there are many companies and institutions that use the name “Pierce” and the image of the mountain. It is vital that the integrity of the symbol be maintained and that it be used in a consistent manner. This will help ensure high recognition for the college in the community. These are the official logos:

pierce college square logo

pierce college logo
pierce college logo

Breaking Down the Logo

The logo consists of two parts: the symbol and the specially designed logotype.

Over the years, the symbol and logotype have been tweaked. Here are the features that make our current logo stand out from the previous versions.

Current Logo

pierce college logo

Old Version

Old and outdated version of the Pierce College logo

Here are the changes that were made:

Defining features of the current Pierce College logo. Features listed below.
  • The symbol is always the gray and maroon, filled in version, when used on a white background. Never change the colors on the filled in symbol.
  • Former warm grey (PMS 402) and burgundy (PMS 208) colors have been updated to a cooler grey (40% black) and more red maroon (PMS 202).
  • "Possibilities" has changed from orange to maroon.
  • Logotype has less space between the letters than previous versions.
  • The angle on the base line of the last E in “College” has been changed to be the same angle as the symbol.
  • Symbol has been made slightly larger.
  • The first red element at the top of the logo, has been copied and flipped to serve as the bottom triangle red element.
  • The width of the bottom triangles is the same width as the top leg of the triangle so it lines up.

The symbol may be used without the logo type; but when doing so, make sure name of the college appears prominently on the page. Whenever using the symbol without the logo type, do not delete the baseline. Never use the logotype without the symbol. See Variations of the Logo and Special Uses section for more about using the symbol without the logotype.

Using the Grayscale or One-Color Logos


The official gray scale college logo was designed to be used in any situation where only black and white printing is an option.

pierce college square grey logo

pierce college grey standard logo
pierce college long grey logo

One Color

When special circumstances prevent using the full-color or grayscale versions, please use the one color version. The one-color logo is ideal for use on giveaway items where you can only use one color of ink.

pierce college square one color logo
pierce college one color logo
pierce college one color logo

Reversed Out

The one color logo may also be used in white on dark colored backgrounds. Please don’t use the filled in version of the logo over dark colors that create poor contrast. When Pierce College and possibilities realized is turned white, it can be used on black.

1 color pierce college logo in white on maroon background
Pierce college logo on black background

Variation of the Logo and Special Uses

The Baseline Is an Integral Part of the Symbol

The baseline below the mountain symbol is part of the official symbol and MUST appear whenever the symbol is used. Visually, the mountain sits on this baseline. The line itself may be elongated or shortened as required by the type of logo application used or as space permits, but it MUST always appear with the symbol. The baseline should always extend slightly past the edge of the mountain symbol.

Examples of the Pierce College symbol logo with different baselines

Using the Symbol Only

The Pierce College logo may be used with or without the words "Pierce College" underneath the symbol. However, when using the logo without the name, make sure the words "Pierce College" appear prominently elsewhere on the page or image. The symbol may be used in either official colors or in black, gray or white as needed to stand out in its environment.

Special Applications

The logo may be embossed, engraved, etched, cast in metal or carved in wood or stone. Always contact Marketing and Communications before initiating these kinds of projects. When doing so, the two-color version of the logo will be the template for shape, with the colors represented as raised areas.

Example of an embossed version of the pierce college logo

The logo is the college’s official signature. Every effort should be made to respect the integrity of the symbol and logotype. Never distort the image by stretching it to fit a space. Be careful when placing it over other artwork or photographs. The logo should always be easily distinguished.

Don't distort the logo. If you need to resize the logo (or any image) hold down the SHIFT key while resizing. This ensures the logo doesn't get distorted.

A collection of distorted Pierce College logos

Don't change the colors of the logo. The only acceptable colors for the filled in symbol are a gray base with maroon accents. The outlined, one-color logo can be used in Pierce College's official colors or in white.

A collection of Pierce College logos in unacceptable colors

Don’t color in the symbol, change the font, or use the super old college logo.

A collection of unacceptable Pierce College Logos

Don't bury the logo in a photo with a busy background.

Examples of logo used appropriately and inappropriately in an image

The Pierce College Raider Athletics Logo

The Athletics department has a special mascot logo designed for the college’s sports teams. This logo is only for the Athletics department and may not be used by any other department, with the exception of Student Life. Student life has a version of the bird symbol logo to use for school spirit events. All other departments must use only the official college logo. High resolution files of the Raider Athletics logo are available by request.

Raider Athletics 2 color logo
Raider Athletics 1 color logo

Reversed Out Versions

White fill on interior of bird. “Raider” changed to white.

Example of Raider Athletics 2 color logo reversed out
Example of Raider Athletics 1 color logo reversed out

The Raider Athletics logo should not be altered in any way.

A collection of unacceptable Raider Athletics Logos

Department Logos

Does your department need a logo? We encourage you use the official Pierce College logo when at all possible, but Marcom can add your name to the Pierce College logo if needed. All departments must use the official college or departmental logo when representing Pierce College to students or the public. To get yours, please submit a Marcom work request.

Here are some examples of department logos:

Examples of department logos

Frequently Asked Questions

Can our department have a logo with the Raider Bird logo or a symbol that represents our vocation?

The Raider Bird is our mascot and the logo is for use by the Athletics department. Your vocation is what people will do, but it’s not about our brand. The mountain logo is our official logo; it is the signature of the college. The college has only one official signature, and it needs to be used consistently so people know who we are. Imagine if the Seahawks all wanted a different logo on their helmet. You wouldn’t even know what team is playing.

People DO know that we are the Raiders and that the bird is our logo too. I’m just not sold on why we can’t use both? Other colleges do.

We have precious few opportunities to get our name and brand out into our external community. There is also another Pierce College in California. Not everyone who inquires about our college knows or cares that we are Raiders and have a Raider Bird mascot. They want to find a college, and we want to be sure we are easily identified. We recently had instances where international students were looking for info about us online and came to some of our poorly branded sites and thought they were spam. We need one signature and consistency in our branding to be credible externally.