The following software will be offered in this program (as of June 2023)
Using Adobe at home is free to use. An Adobe account has been created for you so you can log in at home, and download/install software to use for the quarter.
Note: not all software will be covered in depth. Most are available on the PC and Mac platforms.
- Adobe Acrobat XI (in lab)
- Adobe After Effects Pro (DDSGN 170, 210)
- Adobe Audition (DDSGN 170, 210)
- Adobe Dreamweaver (DDSGN 150, 215)
- Adobe Animate (DDSGN 210, 211)
- Adobe Illustrator (DDSGN 130, 131, 150, 170, 210, 215)
- Adobe InDesign (DDSGN 121, 210)
- Adobe Lightroom (DDSGN 160)
- Adobe Photoshop (DDSGN 110, 140, 150, 151, 160, 170, 210, 215)
- Adobe Premiere Pro (DDSGN 170, 210, 211)
- Adobe XD (DDSGN 110, 130, 150, 151)
- Autodesk Maya (DDSGN 140)
- Microsoft Office (in lab)