Real Life Counts at Pierce College
Your knowledge plus experience can equal college credit. Through Academic Credit for Prior Learning (ACPL) you may be able to:
- Accelerate your time to completion of your degree
- Save time and money by not repeating classes you may not need
Find Out More
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Earning College Credit in High School
- Credit Predictor Pro
- Complete the Credit Predictor Pro questionnaire that outlines your education, work and life experiences, and areas of expertise.
- Receive a summary Academic Credit for Prior Learning Report.
- Prepare to discuss the results of the ACPL report with an advisor.
What Do I Need to Do to Earn Credit for My Prior Learning?
Academic Credit for Prior Learning awards credits for prior experiential learning outside the college that can be demonstrated and documented. Note that you must be enrolled at Pierce College to be eligible to participate in the ACPL process.
- Complete the Credit Predictor Pro.
- Meet with your advisor and review the summary from the Credit Predictor Pro. Your advisor will recommend the next steps. Next steps may include:
- Participation in a portfolio development class
- Meeting with program coordinator or program chair
- Credit by exam
- The program coordinator or program chair will review your eligibility for course credit.
- Once the program coordinator or program chair has approved the credit for prior learning, they will complete and sign the ACPL application form.
- Sign the form and take the completed form to the Cashier's office; pay the assessment fee.
- Submit the completed form with receipt of payment attached to the Registration office at any campus.