Hazing Prevention

Pierce College is committed to and maintains an atmosphere of social and ethical responsibility. It is the College's belief that learning and working occurs in environments where learners, employees, and visitors feel safe, secure, and welcome.

Pierce College complies with anti-hazing legislation adopted in Washington State known as Sam's Law (HB 1751). Sam's Law requires colleges and universities to provide hazing awareness and prevention education.

Hazing Polices and Procedures

What is hazing?

Hazing is defined under RCW 28B.10.900 as any act committed as part of a person's recruitment, initiation, pledging, admission into, or affiliation with a student organization, athletic team, or living group, or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization, athletic team, or living group that causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger or physical harm, or serious psychological or emotional harm, to any student or other person attending a public or private institution of higher education or other postsecondary educational institution in this state, including causing, directing, coercing, or forcing a person to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the person to risk of such harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate. "Hazing" does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions.

What may constitute hazing?

Examples of actions and activities which may be hazing include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Compelling someone to consume alcohol or drugs
  • Requiring someone to participate in activities (pranks, scavenger hunts, etc.) that encourage property damage or theft
  • Making someone engage in sexual behaviors or exhibitionism
  • Morally degrading or humiliating games or activities which make someone the object of amusement, ridicule, or intimidation
  • Sexual, racial, and other discriminatory harassment
  • Requiring someone to eat or drink unusual substances or large amounts
  • Compelling someone to engage in acts of personal servitude
  • Transporting someone against their will, abandoning someone at a distant location, or conducting any "kidnap," "ditch" or "road trip" that may in any way endanger or compromise their health, safety, or comfort
  • Causing someone to be indecently exposed or exposed to the elements
  • Requiring someone to remain in a fixed position for a long period of time
  • "Line-ups" involving intense shouting of obscenities or insults
  • Excluding someone from social contact for prolonged periods of time

How do I report hazing?

Anyone who believes they have experienced or witnessed hazing at Pierce College is encouraged to report their concerns using the Hazing Reporting Form below or by contacting the Associate Dean, Student Conduct.

College employees who have reasonable cause to believe hazing has occurred are required to report the incident.

Has Pierce College received reports of hazing?

  • Pierce College has not received any reports of hazing during the 2024-2025 academic year. Information about reports received during the remainder of this year will be updated on a quarterly basis.
  • Pierce College did not receive any reports of hazing during the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Pierce College did not receive any reports of hazing during the 2022-2023 academic year.