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Foundations for Teaching Online (FTO) — Course Design & Delivery Training (Required)

Foundations for Teaching Online is a professional development course provided by ELAD designed to support faculty who are planning to teach online or hybrid courses at Pierce College. FTO replaced Teaching Online (TTOL).

It is recommended to schedule at least 3–6 weeks to complete FTO successfully. Approximate work time is 30 hours, depending on your familiarity with Canvas, teaching experience, and prior knowledge of course topics. 

To be successful in Foundations for Teaching Online, you should have completed Canvas 101, a similar Canvas course, or be taking Canvas training concurrently with FTO.

What will I learn in FTO?

FTO provides participants with the opportunity to design an online or hybrid course and reflect on their pedagogy through the completion of applied learning activities. FTO includes the following content:

  • Inclusive Pedagogy and Inclusive Design
  • Course Mapping
  • Assessment Strategies
  • Navigation & Structure
  • Presence, Communication, and Participation
  • Syllabus Design

If you have completed similar training at another institution, please provide documentation to

When is FTO training available? How do I register?

The FTO training schedule and registration is managed by Employee Learning and Development (ELAD). FTO is available for participants during each academic quarter. Faculty typically complete FTO the quarter prior to online or hybrid teaching. We suggest that participants allow at least 3–6 weeks to complete the course successfully. Depending upon the timing of your registration, you may be added to the following quarter’s session.