Nov 01, 2024 3:40 pm

Nine community and technical colleges in Washington state, including Pierce College, are now eligible to apply for the U.S. Department of Education’s Postsecondary Success Recognition Program, which recognizes institutions of higher education that excel in supporting student success, retention, and completion of credentials.
Pierce College is among 100 community and technical colleges chosen nationally. To determine eligibility for the recognition program, the Department of Education used publicly available data to evaluate key indicators of equitable access, student success, and post-college outcomes for students of color and low-income students at public and nonprofit higher education institutions across the country.
“Pierce College’s mission of creating quality educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners to thrive in an evolving world drives our commitment to equitable student outcomes,” said Chancellor and CEO Julie White, Ph. D. “We are honored to be considered for this program.”
The Postsecondary Success Recognition Program is part of the Biden administration’s Raise the Bar initiative, which aims to boost postsecondary completion rates, close achievement gaps, and ensure all students earn valuable credentials. Through this recognition program, the U.S. Department of Education aims to honor higher education institutions based on how well they prepare graduates for the workforce and fulfilling lives, rather than their exclusivity.
Pierce College is proud to continue to receive national recognition for our equity work. Achieving the Dream (ATD) recognizes colleges committed to equity in student success outcomes; Pierce College has received both ATD’s Leader College of Distinction status as well as their prestigious Leah Meyer Austin Award recognizing organizational transformation and student success. We were also named one of the Top 10 community colleges in the nation in 2019 and 2021 for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, and a Top 25 semifinalist for the 2023 award.