End Time: 
1:30 pm
Event Category: 

Pierce College's Access and Disability Services (ADS) is pleased to announce our 2024-2025 Disability and Intersectionality Speaker Series. TEAMS Automatic captioning will be available for this event. If you need additional accommodations to participate in this event, please contact ADS staff at ads@pierce.ctc.edu at least 10 business days in advance.  

Our Disability and Intersectionality Speaker Series is intended to provide a platform for the underrepresented voices within the disability community. This series will address the intersection of disability and race, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion, and socio-economic status, and more.

Register for Creating Empowered Spaces

About the Event

Leveraging his expertise as a scholar and therapist, José Rosario educates attendees on the identity-based harm faced by individuals who hold minoritized identities, with particular attention to intersectional experiences, and the impact of such harm on mental health. He sheds light on the collective toll of hate-based incidents, aiming to deepen understanding, foster empathy, and encourage supportive interactions. Participants will engage in reflective exercises to explore their own identities and discussions to identify more affirming/comprehensive policy and service needs.

About the Speaker

José Rosario is a speaker, therapist, scholar, storyteller, and activist committed to the mental health needs of minoritized communities. Guided by his own story and advocacy, José is committed to underscoring the intersection of identity and mental health to support systemic and collective change. Jose unites audience members by modeling vulnerability and creating collective moments of self-reflection.  

Campus Location: 
Virtual - Teams
Event Contact Email: